We offer our own honey from our fields through Soney Honey. We value our honey bee population, as it give us the best and freshest honey you can get, so be kind to our honey bee population, as it dwindling. We couldn’t farm without them! We sell it in our stores in 8 oz, 1 lb and 2 lb jars.

Honey has many medical benefits
- Helps with allergies
- Kills viruses
- Improves bronchitis and asthma
- Stabilizes blood pressure
- Anti-inflammatory
- Promotes digestive health
- Strengthens immune system
- Anti bacterial and anti fungal
- Calm nerves and relieves pain
So BEE healthy and eat local honey! BEEsides, it tastes great on everything!!!!
Our hay masters know how to grow a variety of hay, and make it into round bales and square bales, first and second cut. Pickup at the barn or delivered. We also have square straw bales available, call Andrew at 978-857-6957.